Fast Themes – Why it matters

If your website’s page speed is slow then your visitors will hit the back button and never come back. Its true.

If people don’t stay on your website, there’s no way they will ever convert. Simple as that.

So, if you want more people to stay on your website and make a sale or subscribe, you will need a faster website that does not take forever to load.

Google’s algorithms prefer displaying websites that offer a great user experience.

How fast a site is a massive factor ;in Google’s eyes, a website that offers good user experience generally has a lower bounce rate and loads up fast.

If your website is slow, most of your visitors will bounce back which will result in a loss in search engine rankings.

If you want to convert more visitors into customers or subscribers, your website needs to load up fast.

A slow website is not only perceived low-quality, it also sees a decrease in traffic by up to 30% or more

If you want your website to load fast you will need a WordPress theme that is fully optimized for speed.

What WordPress theme you use will have a huge impact on how fast your website loads.

A lot of themes offer every feature under the sun, are bloated with scripts and resources, and come with lots of low-quality code and unnecessary plugins. All these things will slow down your website.

If your theme you choose is not optimized for speed, whatever you do to improve your website’s speed will not work.
Have a look here and see what you think would work for you.

Only the fastest themes have een selected ; based on actual tests from

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